The Vitriol Begins

Marriage Equality Debate Hits A Low

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What a surprise, the predicted lies and misinformation leading to the vote on same sex marriage raised it's ugly head last night with the beginning of a TV campaign heavily backed by the Australian Christian Lobby.

In it, one of 3 mothers makes a claim that as part of the Safe Schools Program in Victoria her son was told he could wear a dress to school if he wants to.

Firstly, what on earth one campaign has to do with the other is beyond me and secondly, according to the principal of the school, it never happened.

The principal has said today that after checking with all the teachers there is no evidence of it occurring and no complaint had been made to the school at any time.

So what do we take away from this? 

They lied, which to my way of thinking is a rather unchristian thing to do. Which number commandment was that again?

Furthermore it is reported today that the Coalition for Marriage has a campaign to keep the ad on air at a reported cost of $35,000 A DAY!

I can't help wondering if all that money couldn't be better spent on, oh I don't know, helping the poor and downtrodden.

As the campaigns on both sides ramp up their arguments I'd like to invoke my general response to "play nice" however if the supposed righteous have gone to this length already I doubt they have a conscience to poke to do so.


30 August 2017

Article by:

Cliff Reeve

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