Apocalypse Eats

The Food Delivery Service We NEED!

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The innovative idea that will keep the Tasmanian food industry alive

A collective of Tasmanian restaurateurs are currently developing an all-Tasmanian online food delivery platform.

Apocalypse Eats is under construction with the goal to keep the local community connected to the Tasmanian food industry.

The new online delivery platform, similar to UberEats, will give Tasmanians the option to order meals from their favourite chefs, using local produce, delivered straight to their doorsteps.

This initiative was started by Chloe Proud, a local restaurant owner and operator, offers a solution to keep our local growers and makers, and their staff, thriving through these difficult times and will enable more money to be put back into our community.

Covid-19, and everyone’s new responsibility to stay at home and self-isolate, comes as a terrible setback for restaurant owners and their businesses. The new reality of tighter restrictions and no longer being able to dine in makes it harder than ever for the community to support their local food scene.

However, this setback has sparked a wonderful opportunity for hospitality businesses to pivot their focus into this new project.

The founders and businesses getting involved in Apocalypse Eats and their passion for quality produce and advocacy for supporting local will have an everlasting effect on the Tasmanian food industry and keep it afloat in these unprecedented times. When chatting to Brian, Chloe Proud is extremely excited about the prospects that Apocalypse Eats has for the community and states that;

“…if we can create this platform …for people whilst they are in their homes, wanting some comfort, being able to associate with the faces here or of people at their local pub or restaurant but taking it beyond that as well and saying well ensure the sustainability of our state”.

This is a call out to all Tasmanians to get behind local businesses because the support of the community has the power to change the course of the hospitality industry to not only survive but thrive into the future and to help them continue supplying us with the magnificent food for which our State is renowned.

Subscribe to their mailing list today to be kept up to date with their progress here

Catch up on Brian Carlton’s full interview with Chloe Proud here:


Chelsea Wilde

28 January 2022

Article by:

Chelsea Wilde

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