Australian Sports Musuem And MCG Tours Primed For Reopening

Showtime Once Again For MCC

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The Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) have revealed the reopening dates for the Australian Sports Museum to be accessed by the public after a small hiatus. 

The reopening for all guests, members and visitors will follow strict capacity guidelines, in conjunction with the Victorian Government's easing of restrictions this week. 

A set date of Monday, June 21 has been confirmed for both access to the museum and MCG tours. 

The Australian Sport Museum is the inner sanctum of the nation's greatest sporting endeavours, highlighting the greatest achievements and athletes who have built a legacy of their own.


As per an MCC statement regarding the new guidelines, the MCG tour will provide "a fully guided 60-minute tour exploring the depths of the MCG from the Arena to the MCC Long Room – will operate in a maximum of 10 people per tour group".

For information on touring the museum itself, the Melbourne tenants explain that the "housing memorabilia and artefacts from some of Australia’s greatest sporting moments – will open to allow 75 people in the Museum at any one time."

The Australian Sports Museum gained national recognition last year for its impeccable upgrade at the 2020 Museum and Galleries National Awards (MAGNAs), securing the top award in the Permanent Exhibition or Gallery fit-out category.

The museum recently saw a $17 million development following a six month closure, which worked in tandem with Victoria's state-wide lockdown in 2020. 

Tickets for both the MCG Tours and Australian Sports Museum must be pre-booked to assist with capacity management and contact tracing.

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17 June 2021

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