Behind the Scenes with Shane A. Bassett

Joel Fry from Cruella

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Joel Fry'Yesterday' film premiere, London, UK

Anthony Harvey/Shutterstock

British thespian JOEL FRY has some interesting high-profile credits to his career including Game of Thrones and Paddington 2, then there's my personal favourite, the critically abolished 10,000 BC; which I briefly mentioned at the end of our interview making Joel hysterically laugh at my suggestion. That's OK, maybe another time, our Disney blockbuster, Cruella conversation, made up for it.


I loved Cruella, when is the sequel, are you signed up.

JF - way above my paygrade, there's definitely room for a sequel. If offered I'm in.


How did you land the role of Jasper.

Standard procedure for audition, it was presented to me and I basically took it after being sent some scenes to read while I was on location in Rome (on another film). Time went by, I almost forgot about it until being called in by the Cruella, casting director.


Was that you playing your own guitar at that fashion rock & roll runway.

JF - it was me playing the guitar without it being plugged in attempting to be as convincing as possible.


Working on a Disney production, what is special on-set.

JF - no different really despite the large size including huge sound studios. My job is essentially the same wherever and on whatever budget film-set. Certain unique locations were fun to be on.


Acting closely with Emma (Stone) and Paul (Walter Hauser) what experiences did you enjoy.

JF - we all got on well getting to know each other sensationally, hanging out to have pints at a pub I like. At times, Paul and I became inseparable, Emma is just wicked. Both good genuine people.


Interested to know your thoughts on Aussie director Craig Gillespie.

JF - brilliant, one of my favourite things on this entire project was getting to work with Craig. The film really took off for me when he got stuck into directing us in certain scenes by talking through the sequences with music blaring. He has high passion that takes you along with him, a high level of concentration while at the same time, kind of loose letting us try improvisation that goes unnoticed in the film. A great guy too who makes sure the work comes first.  


Was there much improvisation overall.

JF - some complex tracking shots I felt just needed something else. 

It was loose only when required or trying to enhance a moment.


Did you assist Paul with his accent.

JF - helped as much as listening to him talk, assisting with notes or pointers, mainly assuring him it sounded good when it did.


Cruella is darker than expected, did draw from emotional experience.  

JF - everyone usually has some dark periods or emotional stages of their life, as an actor I think about that in a way, caring for my family and friends is what I used, mirroring it in the film.


If you were no an actor or entertainer, what career would you be doing.

JF - probably a musician, these days I'd say a Vet, as it's something I've always wanted to be, if I was younger though I'd learn coding and computers intently. Understanding that language is critical. 


Congratulations, you appeared in Paddington 2 (2017) currently number one film with a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score.

JF - I'm in the film for around a minute (laughs) because the filmmakers are good people who asked me to make a cameo. I can't take too much credit, at the same time feels really good.


Where does Cruella stand on the trajectory of your career.

JF - it stands well because everyone was dedicated and worked as a great team. I'll always remember the experience as years go on.


What can you tell audiences to expect when choosing, Cruella.

JF - people with families, children, parents, grandparents, there's not too many films that can bring cross generations together to the cinema or couch. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it, even those who say, There's no way I'll go see that!'. I challenge them not to like it. Across the board Cruella smashes it with energy, laughs, heart.



Rated PG. Select cinemas and on Disney + premium.


 You can follow Shane here 


3 November 2021

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