Blue-Green Algae Warning For Pets

Keep pets away from Lake Albert

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There has been a blue-green algae warning put out for Lake Albert, in Wagga Wagga, warning people and their pets to avoid contact with the water.

Lynne Bodell, from Lynne Bodell’s Vet Clinic is warning those with dogs, cats and even horses to stay well away from the water to avoid pets getting sick.

Some of the symptoms include seizures, jaundice and even shock.

Dr. Bodell says that if animals ingest the contaminated water you could see symptoms like lethargy or diarrhea within an hour and if left untreated it could result in death.

“Well they do actually have to eat it but if they get it on their coat, obviously they’ll lick themselves and they get it off that way and unfortunately there’s no actual antidote.”

The algae is toxic are various stages of it’s lifecycle and it’s very difficult to know when it’s producing these toxins so it’s best to keep animals away from the water at all times.

If you are worried about your pet having come in contact with the algae, Dr. Bodell says you have to act quickly but there are ways to help delay the affects of the toxins.

“First thing if you get them back and they’ve got algae and stuff on them, wash it off and then take them to your vet because seriously, the sooner we can get them on fluids and get them treated… the better chance they have”.

For more information, or if you’re worried about your pet get in touch with Lynne Bodell’s Vet Clinic on 6925 5570.

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6 February 2020

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