'Breaking Bad' Movie Starring Aaron Paul Is Coming To Netflix

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Image: AMC

The movie following up Breaking Bad will land exclusively on Netflix, and reportedly star Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman.

Both Deadline and Variety confirmed the feature length film will follow up the original TV series, and debut on Netflix first.

It's the opposite of how the TV series was rolled out, with AMC broadcasting the TV series first before it landed on Netflix internationally.

The Hollywood Reporter also reported Paul will return to star as Jesse Pinkman, likely following the events of the TV series.

A film titled Greenbrier had been scheduled to film in Albuquerque - the same location as Breaking Bad - and designed to follow "the escape of a kidnapped man and his quest for freedom".

Vince Gilligan is also on board to write and direct the project.

Bryan Cranston has not confirmed whether or not he will take part.

Ethan Meldrum

14 February 2019

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Ethan Meldrum

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