Central Coast Council Battles Bin Bandits

Over-zealous return-n-earners!

Article heading image for Central Coast Council Battles Bin Bandits


"Council is calling on the community to cease rummaging through people's bins."

You wouldn't think it's something Central Coast Council would have to ask us to do, but they are, after an increase in reports of people scavenging for drink containers to exchange for cash under the NSW Return and Earn scheme.

Council Acting Senior Manager Business and Economic Development Andrew Pearce said people are effectively invading others' privacy by doing this.

“We have had residents from right across the Coast complain about the mess being left behind after household and public litter bins are having their contents spilled across the ground by those searching for bottles and cans,” Mr Pearce said.

Mr Pearce said many people don't realise the contents of peoples' bins are their property while on their land

"Then when they transfer to the kerbside they become Council's property, and then ultimately they go to a processor who takes responsibility for it."

“If residents have a reoccurring problem of bin raiders leaving a mess on their street, please report it to Council, and if Rangers catch them in the act they may issue a $250 on the spot fine for littering.”

Rangers can be contacted by phoning 4325 8222 or 4350 5555.

As of last month, Coasties had returned nearly 25 million drinks containers since the program's inception in December 2017.

18 September 2018

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