Deadly Science Founder Corey Tutt Explains How Science Could Shape Our Kids Future

Happy National Science Week!

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Space Australia

In celebration of National Science week, Banksy & Pinky invited indigenous mentor and STEM champion Corey Tutt on the show to discuss the DeadlyScience initiative, a non-profit program providing science books and early reading material to remote schools across Australia. 

Corey tells us how the initiative came to fruition, why it's so important for schools to supply kids with the tools they need to further their knowledge of science and whether there are actually jobs out there for the generation of Australian scientists. 

Corey also discusses the significance of Australia's First Nations people and their impact on the world of science as we know it.

Tune into the full chat below... 

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Georgie Marr

19 August 2020

Article by:

Georgie Marr

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