"Dumbest Law" Is Set To Cause Panic Buying In Proserpine For Christmas


Article heading image for "Dumbest Law" Is Set To Cause Panic Buying In Proserpine For Christmas

The Daily Mercury reports, Queensland retailers are preparing for another round of panic buying over Christmas despite no new coronavirus cases because of the "dumbest" trading hour laws in the country.

Tourists and locals in 16 regional areas, including Proserpine, have been warned to stock up on snacks, essentials and fruit and vegetables as major retailers and shopping centres are forced into a four-day shutdown over Christmas.

The National Retailers Association (NRA) said businesses had already done it tough this year because of the pandemic, and now the Queensland government's trading laws would be a dagger through their heart.

It's not just locals who will be heavily affected but tourists as more Aussies explore Queensland, with overseas holidays ruled out because of the pandemic.

2 December 2020

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