"Neo Nazis" Allegedly Intimidate Gosford Church

Came all the way from Melbourne...

Article heading image for "Neo Nazis" Allegedly Intimidate Gosford Church

Anglican Parish of Gosford/facebook

A horrifying Saturday service for churchgoers, after far-right activists allegedly swarmed the Gosford Anglican Church wielding a fake sword and whip.

Father Rod Bower says the group drove up from Melbourne to protest against his message of an inclusive Christian faith.

"Initially I wasn't aware if this was a fake sword or a real one, and my first concern was for the safety of my parishoners," Father Rod told the newsroom this morning.

"It was very traumatic for the congregation... I spent most of yesterday helping put poeple back together after the terror experienced."

No one was injured physically but the crew wouldn't leave until they'd blasted their message over a megaphone.

PoliceĀ say they're no longer investigating.

It appears the activists are aligned with the group "Cooks Convicts", among them Neil Erikson, who was last year filmed accosting former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari in a Melbourne pub while wearing a Toll Transport uniform.

This is not the first time Father Rod's messages of tolerance have angered far-right-wing groups. In 2016, another group interrupted a Sunday church service wearing mock Muslim attire.

20 May 2018

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