'No Talk Day' Is Back To Raise Awareness For Men's Mental Health

It's never too late to speak up...

Article heading image for 'No Talk Day' Is Back To Raise Awareness For Men's Mental Health

Tomorrow is a very important day for men everywhere, with Triple M partnering with Beyond Blue and kicking off 'No Talk Day', a day dedicated entirely to raising awareness for men's mental health.

Between 6AM and 6PM, there will be no shows, no ads, no announcers and no traffic news - just stories from brave individuals who fought their way through dark times and made it to the other side.

Sadly, statistics show there are still up to six men and two women, who do not seek out or receive the help they need and unfortunately, will not make it through to the end of the day. 

To share a little more about 'No Talk Day', Banksy & Pinky speak with Triple M's very own Moonman, who stresses the significance of the campaign and why it's so important to share your truth, to be vocal and to reach out to the people around you. 

Tune into the full chat below... 

If you or anyone you know, needs a little help getting through tough times, please follow the link through to Beyond Blue or contact lifeline on 13 11 14

Georgie Marr

30 June 2020

Article by:

Georgie Marr

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