REALLY?! Pinky Is Selling This Priceless Item And You Could Own It!

Bid for it now!

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This morning on the show, Banksy & Pinky chatted about how ScoMo has changed the cost of uni degrees, kicking off in 2021. So, Pinky had an idea...

Due to COVID-19 and international students dropping off, the government are opening degrees up for cheaper - such as nursing, psychology and more.

Buuuut, law & arts degrees have gone up quiiiiite a bit. This gave Pinky a lightbulb moment and let's just say, you could buy something worth some decent dough off her.

Bid here:

Missed the chat? Here's what Pinky is selling on eBay and how you can get it: 

Amber Lowther

22 June 2020

Article by:

Amber Lowther

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