Scott Morrison To Announce May 21 Election

Morrison behind on the polls

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has jumped on a plane to Canberra this morning and is expected to call an election for May 21.

Morrison’s plane left the Sydney airport just after 9AM this morning for Canberra, where he will begin the process of dissolving Parliament.

Mr Morrison is set to hold a press conference from Canberra this morning after visiting the Governor General at around 10:30AM.

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Despite being behind Labor in the polls, Prime Minister Scott Morrison released a campaign ad outlining why he is the best choice for Australia.

“40,000 people are alive in Australia today because of the way we managed the pandemic,” he said.

“700,000 people still have jobs and countless numbers of businesses that would have been destroyed.”


In an opinion piece titled “the choice”, Mr Morrison explains why a change of government is too risky.

“Anthony Albanese and Labor have no economic plan. They would weaken our economy and put our recovery at risk,” he said.

“Mr Albanese has never held a financial portfolio. He’s never held a national security portfolio. He’s never delivered a Budget.

“Labor has a record of higher taxes. Albanese has argued for higher taxes on retirees, housing and families and inheritances.

“Now is not the time to risk it.”

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Georgie Marr

10 April 2022

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Georgie Marr

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