Someone Chucked A Fish At Liam Gallagher And He Reacted Exactly How You'd Expect Him To

Cigarettes and alcohol and salmon

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While it doesn't take a lot to set Liam Gallagher off, you'd have to be a pretty brave soul to go out of your way to make him cranky.

Luckily, whoever it was who decided to chuck a dead fish at the ex-Oasis singer managed to do so anonymously, swallowed up in the crowd at the 2018 Festival Internacional de Benicàssim in Spain.

While the exact species of fish has yet to be identified, from Gallagher's rant we can ascertain that it was very dead, very smelly and very much too close to him as he called a halt to the opening bars of Cigarettes and Alcohol.

"Which dickhead threw the fish here then?" Gallagher said. "F*cking stinky, smelly fish, man. 

"Now listen... it really ain't that f*cking bad, man. Don't be throwing fish on-stage, mate. I've seen a lot worse than this sh*t.

"I can't be f*cking singing while there's a fish there, man."

It's hard to take a someone seriously when they're holding a pair of maracas but, thankfully, the whole thing was caught on camera; check out the clip below.

Oh, Liam.

26 July 2018

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