Sydney’s Anglican Schools Livid Over Decree Against Gay Marriage

“Issue of consternation”

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The Age

A document issued to Sydney’s Anglican schools has caused significant disruption driving a wedge between principals and board directors and the head of the church.

Schools have been left reeling after revelations a decree by the Sydney diocese was addressed to school leaders asking them to sign a document affirming, they believe marriage is between a man and a woman only.

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An “issue of consternation”, several principals have raised their concerns to the Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel over the 15-year-old statement of faith.

Principles speaking out against the decree, told The Herald they were troubled over the implications for their gay students and parents, as well as the over “aggressive” isolation of gay marriage in what is a general statement of Christian faith.

“They’re engineering their boards to think in a morally conservative way that’s harmful for their students,” a woman said on the condition of anonymity.

“It’s going to limit new principals –you’ll end up with a whole set of socially engineered principals across Anglican schools in the Sydney diocese.

“Restrictive ideas about sexuality should not be tied up in the statement of faith and the fact that they are speaks to something deeply concerning about the Sydney Anglican Church right now. To me, this is not Christ-like,” she said.

One principal told The Herald they didn’t “understand why you would insert that, over substance abuse or gambling or domestic violence,” they said. “It seems remarkably aggressive.”

It follows the Coalitions failed attempt to push through the Religious Discrimination Bill ahead of the May election.


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6 May 2022

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