Tex Walker Explains Why His Son Was Photographed Wearing A Port Adelaide Scarf

"The definition of child abuse"

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The Big Texan rolled through the show this morning and had to address the controversy sweeping the city of Adelaide. Why was his son pictured wearing Port clobber?

Tex explains all here:

It was all down to little Hugo's Uncle George, Ellie's brother, who snuck the little fella away on the weekend and draped him in a Port Adelaide scarf.

Roo said "He looked so sad."

Ditts reckons "Magnificent. He looked six foot tall. He grew muscles wearing that."

Tex shared that since the 'incident', Hugo "hasn't slept, he won't eat..." and to put Crows' fans minds at rest "Over my dead body will he be barracking for Port."

Tex also updated us on the AFL pay dispute and how the Crows are tracking ahead of the season resumption:

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Matt Bellotti

1 June 2020

Article by:

Matt Bellotti

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