The Esperance Bridge Club

Give the brain a workout

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Bridge Club Players

Bridge is something I have not had the chance to play much or even learn about, but luckily there is a club out there that's happy to help not only train you but play on a regular basis here in Esperance.

The Esperance Bridge Club can help train you on this game every Friday from 930am - 11am and beyond that, they play on multiple days including:

  • Tuesdays from 650pm
  • Wednesdays from 1pm
  • Saturdays from 1245pm

So head on down to the Senior Citizens Centre and give it a try, all are welcome. To get more details contact Ian on 9072 0313 or Jan on 9071 3386. Have some fun while giving your brain some great exercise :) - DrakerĀ 

18 December 2017

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