Three-Year-Old Rushed to Perth’s Children’s Hospital from Christmas Island

Pressure to bring them back to Australia

Article heading image for Three-Year-Old Rushed to Perth’s Children’s Hospital from Christmas Island

There are renewed calls for the Tamil Asylum Seeker family to be resettled in Australia after their youngest daughter was rushed to Perth’s Children’s Hospital on Monday.

Tharnicaa Murugappan was medically evacuated from Christmas Island on Monday with a suspected blood infection on Monday.

The three-year-old was diagnosed with pneumonia after experiencing symptoms for the past two weeks.

The family has been in detention on the island since August 2019, after being forced to leave Biloela in Central Queensland. The group has the support of over 350,000 Aussies signing the petition in support.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the matter is before the courts.

“This is a matter that is going through the Courts process that they’ve initiated and there are some present medical issues involving the family, and they will continue to receive every medical care, that care and where they are treated will continue to be determined by doctors, by the medical professional who advise us on these matters.”

Biloela residents are encouraging Australian’s to put pressure on the Government to let the Murugappan family return to Biloela. More information about their advocacy work can be found here.

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Triple M Newsroom

8 June 2021

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